Matrimonial Mediation Services on Long Island

We will help you find fair and lasting solutions, reducing conflict and emotional strain in divorce or separation.

Mediation offers several advantages for those who want to resolve their conflict in a more amicable and cost-effective manner. Not only is it less expensive than litigation, but it encourages communication and collaboration. As a result, all sides are much more likely to honor the final agreement moving forward.


At Winkler Kurtz, LLP, our experienced New York mediation lawyers are committed to providing exceptional services tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Whether the matter of contention involves child support, child custody, visitation, taxes, or wills and trusts, we can help you seek an outcome that meets your specific needs.

Why Hire Winkler Kurtz, LLP as Your New York Mediation Lawyer?

Extensive Mediation Experience: With their wealth of experience, our lawyers are well-equipped to guide clients through even the most complex mediation processes. Our attorneys regularly assist those seeking to avoid the stress and expense of litigation.


Client-Centered Approach: At Winkler Kurtz, LLP, we prioritize your needs and goals throughout the mediation process. We take the time to listen to you, understand your concerns, and tailor our strategies to align with your interests.

At Winkler Kurtz, LLP, we understand the importance of choosing the right attorney to guide you through the mediation process. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of service by using our skills, knowledge, and strategic approach to achieve favorable outcomes.


Knowledge of Applicable Laws: New York has unique legal requirements and procedures that apply to mediation cases. Our mediation lawyers thoroughly understand all relevant state laws and regulations, ensuring that clients receive accurate advice, strategic guidance, and effective representation.


Proven Track Record: Winkler Kurtz, LLP has a strong track record of successfully resolving a wide range of disputes through mediation. Our attorneys have helped countless clients achieve favorable outcomes, ranging from divorce and family matters to complex wills and trust disputes. We take pride in finding innovative solutions, facilitating effective communication, and guiding parties toward mutually beneficial agreements.

How Does Divorce and Family Mediation Work?


The mediator introduces themselves and explains their role in facilitating the mediation process. They establish the ground rules and ensure that both parties understand the voluntary nature of mediation.

Information Gathering

Each party provides relevant information regarding assets, debts, income, and expenses. This helps establish an in-depth understanding of the financial aspects of your divorce.

Identifying Issues

The mediator works with the parties to identify the key issues that need to be resolved, such as child custody, child support, spousal support (alimony), division of property, and parenting time.

Open Communication and Negotiation

The mediator encourages open and respectful communication between the parties, fostering a cooperative environment where they can discuss their concerns, needs, and preferences. They also facilitate negotiation and help find common ground and mutually acceptable solutions.

Generating Options

The mediator helps both sides brainstorm and develop various options for resolving each issue. They may explore creative solutions that meet everyone’s interests and priorities.

Evaluating and Reaching Agreements

The mediator assists the parties in assessing the proposed options and their potential consequences. They work towards reaching agreements that are fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of all involved, including any children.

Benefits of Mediation

By opting to mediate your family law dispute, you set the stage for a more amicable co-parenting relationship moving forward. You’re also much more likely to achieve an agreement you’re happy with since you’re actively involved in making decisions.

  • Mediation empowers you and all other parties to make decisions together rather than leaving the outcomes in the hands of a judge. It allows you to have a say in the terms of your divorce settlement, resulting in more personalized and satisfactory agreements.

  • Mediation fosters open communication, cooperation, and understanding. It can help preserve relationships between divorcing spouses, especially when co-parenting is involved, which is particularly beneficial for the well-being of any children.

  • Mediation is generally more cost-effective than traditional litigation. It typically requires fewer court appearances, reducing legal fees and expenses associated with a lengthy court battle.

  • Mediation often results in quicker resolutions than litigation, which can be lengthy due to court schedules and backlog. It allows the parties to work at their own pace, potentially saving significant time and emotional energy.

Common Issues Addressed in Divorce Mediation

  • Parents can use mediation to develop a parenting plan that determines custody arrangements, visitation schedules, decision-making responsibilities, and other aspects related to the well-being of their children.

  • Through mediation, parents can discuss and agree upon child support arrangements, including the amount, the payment schedule, and any additional expenses.

  • Mediation helps couples navigate the equitable distribution of marital assets, such as property, bank accounts, investments, and retirement accounts. It also addresses the fair division of debts accumulated during the marriage.

  • Mediation facilitates discussions on spousal support, including the duration and amount of support payments, taking into account factors such as each party’s income, earning capacity, and financial needs.


  • Mediation can be a great tool in resolving many family law cases, but it’s not right for everyone. The appropriateness of mediation depends on the specific circumstances and dynamics of the case. Here are some factors to consider:

    • Willingness to Collaborate: Mediation requires a cooperative mindset and a desire to engage in open communication and negotiation. Mediation may be ineffective if one or both parties are not willing to participate actively or are not committed to finding mutually acceptable solutions.

    • Power Imbalances: In cases where there is a significant power imbalance between the parties, such as in cases of domestic violence or situations where one party has exerted undue influence or control over the other, mediation may not be appropriate. The safety and well-being of all parties involved should be a priority, and alternative dispute resolution methods may be more suitable.

    • More Complex Issues: Some family law matters involve complex legal, financial, or emotional issues that may require the involvement of experts or a judicial decision. In such cases, mediation alone may not be sufficient to address all aspects adequately.

    It is essential to consult with a qualified New York family law attorney who can assess your specific situation and provide guidance on whether mediation is appropriate in your case. They can help you understand the advantages and limitations of mediation and explore alternative dispute resolution methods if mediation is not suitable for your particular circumstances.

  • Divorce settlement agreements are binding in New York State, assuming there are no issues of fraud, unconscionability and are properly executed. However, it is crucial to understand that the court maintains jurisdiction over specific matters.

    Child custody is a good example. In New York, courts retain the right to modify custody and parenting time in furtherance of the best interests of the children involved. If an agreement includes provisions related to custody or parenting time that the courts later determined to be unsuitable for the well-being of the children, then custody or parenting time will be modified.

  • Yes, settlement agreements are generally confidential in New York. Confidentiality is a fundamental principle of the mediation process and is designed to encourage open communication and foster trust between the parties involved. This is one of the many reasons why celebrities and high-net-worth individuals prefer to mediate their divorces and keep all details off the public record.

    A New York family law attorney can provide guidance on how confidentiality applies to your mediation process and answer any questions you may have regarding privacy and disclosure.

Speak to a New York Mediation Lawyer Today

Our New York mediation lawyers can help guide you toward a successful resolution when dealing with a challenging divorce or family dispute. We are committed to assisting our clients in finding common ground and reaching agreements that protect their interests and maintain meaningful relationships. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call Winkler Kurtz, LLP at (631) 928-8000.